We do not offer sibling discounts; however, we do offer a financial assistance program. A reduced rate for initial testing and hourly tutoring sessions (eligibility based on household size and income) is available to qualified applicants. One child per household may be approved at a time on a reduced rate. Email or call to request the application.

Our program is designed for children who are struggling in reading/spelling, comprehension, writing, or math, and who are below grade level in one or more of those areas. We are not an enrichment tutoring company. If your child is already at grade level, we are not the right fit for him or her.

To date, we are not aware of any medical insurance plan that covers tutoring. There are, however,  state or federal educational grants (Indiana Learns, ESA) that cover tutoring costs of an outside agency such as ours; check with your school to see if you may be eligible for these.

We do not provide a clinical diagnosis. If you or your child’s teacher suspect that your child has a learning disability, you should consult with your doctor and/or school. Our assessments are used only for the purpose of constructing an individualized tutoring plan for your child, and to establish a baseline for measuring progress. We do not offer advocacy services, but we are more than willing to communicate and actively coordinate with the classroom or resource teacher in order to better understand your child’s challenges.

We do offer a homework, study skills, and test-taking strategies program for middle and high school students ONLY. Please see the OTHER SERVICES page for more information. For children in the elementary grades, our program is geared towards systematic programming for reading, writing, and math difficulties, targeting skill gaps, teaching strategies for problem-solving, and enhancing the cognitive processes of visual and auditory processing, memory and attention…which are the fundamental components of learning. Therefore, our learning specialists do not assist with the completion of school homework in the core program tutoring sessions.

We do not offer sporadic, drop-in tutoring. Families are required to commit to a twice-weekly schedule when accepting an opening and attendance is monitored. Your child’s progress is dependent upon consistency, and our learning specialists rely on the income of a full schedule.

Our sessions are 1:1 with the same tutor, using individualized lesson-planning to achieve the maximum amount of effectiveness; we do not offer small group tutoring.


All elementary aged children in our core program are required to commit to attending twice a week to ensure consistent repetition and reinforcement of concepts. In some cases, a once per week, 1.5 or 2 hour tutoring session can be arranged for older children (Grade 6+) who have already completed a minimum of 30 sessions, in order to accommodate families who have a long distance to travel, or difficult schedules, and dependent upon tutor availability.

For our main learning center or offsite locations: If school is cancelled, that does not mean tutoring will automatically be cancelled. Please contact your tutor to determine if tutoring will take place.

For tutoring at a school location: There is NO tutoring if school is cancelled, unless the tutor contacts you to make alternate site arrangements.

For tutoring at our Boys & Girls Club sites, if school is cancelled, or the Club is closed, no tutoring will take place.

We often, with school permission, are able to do pull-out tutoring during the school day, IF a daytime tutor is available, at parochial and private schools. Contact us first and then discuss with your school’s teacher/principal.

We do NOT offer in-home tutoring as an option for any of our programs.

We do not offer free tutoring, but we do offer a financial assistance program. Significantly reduced rates for tutoring sessions (and initial testing) are individually determined using a family’s household size & income (verified with recent federal tax return). Email or call to request the application.